I. Father, Lord of Mercy!
We beg Leave to praise Thee,
Who reliev'st our present Wants,
And giv'st us sweet Sustenance;
And thy Well-Beloved,
By whose Grace thy Blessings are
Plenteously improved.
II. Thus in Truth and Spirit
We return all Merit
To the gloroius One and Three,
Now and in Eternity;
Since thy gracious Providence
Has sustain'd our Life with Food,
And supply'd our Indigence.
III. Slight not this Oblation,
Lord of our Creation!
Which we bring in JESUS' Name
And the Merits of the Lamb,
Through whose Intercession
Thou art pleas'd to overlook
All our past Transgression.
IV. What have feeble Creatures
In their sinful Natures,
To repay one single Grace,
But Distress and Shame of Face?
Oh! who can repay Thee?
For 'tis thine whate'er we have
And enjoy yet daily.
V. Lord, accept our Graces,
With this Song of Praises,
And forgive what is amiss,
For his Sake who gain'd us Bliss.
CHRIST, thy blest Example
Print upon us, that we may
Be thy living Temple.
Source: Psalmodia Germanica: or, The German Psalmody: translated from the high Dutch together with their proper tunes and thorough bass (2nd ed., corr. and enl.) #183