1 Father, in whom thy saints are one,
bought by the blood of thy dear Son,
we praise thee for thy hallowing grace
in those who now behold thy face.
2 For they have gained eternal rest,
and in the heavenly mansions blest
they dwell among the angelic throng,
and hear the one unending song.
3 The patriarchs and prophets old
the heavenly splendour now behold;
the Baptist, herald of thy Son,
enjoys the fruit of labour done.
4 But first among the saintly band,
the mother, at her Son's right hand,
adores the Saviour's endless love,
in that eternal home above.
5 The twelve now see the Father's face,
while all who've run their earthly race
in one glad company rejoice
to hear the heavenly bridegroom's voice.
6 Father of all, to thee we pray,
keep us for ever in the way
that leads us to the heavenly rest
among the glories of the blest.
7 To God the Father, God the Son,
and God the Spirit, Three in One,
all worship, love and honour be,
both now and in eternity.
Source: CPWI Hymnal #818