1 Father, hear us in our song of praise,
Help us join with heart and voice;
Grateful melody to thee we raise.
In heavenly harmony rejoice.
Hallelujah! praise the Father;
Hallelujah! praise the Son;
And thou, Holy Spirit,
We praise Thee; Three in One. Amen.
2 Blessed Jesus, to thy children come,
While we praise thy glorious name;
Make our youthful, tender hearts thy home,
And there, dear Saviour, ever reign. [Chorus]
3 Thou, by whom we reach the Father's ear,
Thro' the Saviour's loving heart;
In whate'er is to thy children dear,
Thou, Spirit, hast a vital part. [Chorus]
Source: Junior Songs: a collection of sacred hymns and songs; for use in meetings of junior societies, Sunday Schools, etc. #165