1 Far Judea heard him say,
Children, come to me;
Echoes in our midst today,
Children, come to me.
Softly o’er the lapse of yeas,
Gently soothing childish fears,
Greeting all in joy or tears,
Children, come to me.
2 Centuries old have sung the strain,
Children, come to me;
We take up the glad refrain,
Children, come to me.
What a shelter in His arms,
In His voice what countless charms!
With his blessing what can harm?
Children, come to me.
3 Speaking to their cherish’d ones
As they’re gath’ring home;
We shall hear his welcome tones,
Little children, come.
Now without a veil between;
Seeing now as ye have seen,
Being what ye ne’er have been,
Angle children, come.
Source: Good Will: A collection of New Music for Sabbath Schools and Gospel Meetings (Enlarged) #94