1 Far beyond the azure heavens
Dwells the Holy One supreme;
I draw near Him in my visions,
And behold Him in my dreams.
How I long to be with Jesus,
How I long with Him to rest!
Oh! the comfort in His presence,
Leaning on His peaceful breast.
2 Oh! the wonders of His glory,
How they thrill a feeble soul!
Mortal hearts o'erflow with rapture,
'Tis a joy beyond control. [Refrain]
3 Joys will last always in heaven,
Such rejoicing will not end;
Some glad day we'll be invited
By the angels to attend. [Refrain]
4 When the nations all have gathered
In one band around the throne,
They will glorify Jehovah,
And He'll sanctify His own. [Refrain]
Source: New Sacred Quartettes for Male, Female and Mixed Voices #7