11 Falſe witneſſes, with forg'd complaints,
againſt my truth combin'd;
And to my charge ſuch things tey laid,
as I had ne'er deſign'd.
12 The good which I to them had done,
with evil they repaid'
And did, by malice undeſerv'd,
My harmleſs life invade.
13 But as for me, when they were ſick,
I ſtill in ſackcloth mourn'd;
I pray'd and faſted, and my pray'r
to my own breaſt return'd.
14 Had they my friends or brethren been,
I could have done no more;
Nor with more decent ſigns of grief
a mother's loſs deplore.
15 How diff'rent did their carriage prove,
in times of my diſtreſs!
When they, in crowds together met,
did ſavage joy expreſs.
The rabble too, in num'rous throngs,
by their example came;
And ceas'd not, with reviling words,
to wound my ſpotleſs fame.
16 Scoffers, that noble tables haunt,
and earn their bread with lies,
Did gnaſh their teeth, and ſland'ring jeſts
maliciouſly deviſe.
17 But, Lord, how long wilt thou look on?
on my behalf appear;
And ſave my guiltleſs ſoul, which they,
like rav'ning beaſts would tear.
Source: The Whole Book of Psalms: in metre; with hymns suited to the feasts and fasts of the church, and other occasions of public worship #XXXV.II