1 Faint not, nor falter in the way
That leadeth to thy perfect home;
The night must come before the day,
Rest seemeth sweet to those who roam;
And God has left this word with thee,
That "as thy day, thy strength shall be,"
That as thy day, thy strength shall be.
2 Grief may distress thine inmost heart,
Long-trusted friends may fickle prove:
Not sorrow’s sting, nor traitor’s dart,
Shall e’er thy steadfast spirit move;
Because this promise dwells with thee,
"As is thy day, thy strength shall be,"
As is thy day, thy strength shall be.
3 Pain may thine earthly ease displace,
Disease enfeeble all thy powers;
E’en cheerful hope may veil her face,
And lingering moments seem as hours;
Yet still this promise is to thee,
"As is thy day, thy strength shall be,"
As is thy day, thy strength shall be.
4 Then trust thy God whate’er betide!
None ever knew His promise fail;
His angel, ever at thy side,
Shall help thy patience to prevail;
Forbode no ill, for thou shalt see
That "as thy day, thy strength shall be,"
That as thy day, thy strength shall be.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12628