1 Faces bright with delight
On this happy morn,
Tell to all great and small,
That the Saviour King was born;
On this day far away,
In an eastern clime,
Angel voices sweetly sang in harmony sublime.
Sing “Alleluia,”
Sing “Alleluia,”
Glory be to God on high and peace on earth;
Sing “Alleluia,”
Sing “Alleluia,”
In honor of the Saviour’s birth.
2 Hanging high in the sky
Shone the emblem fair,
And its ray bright as day,
Told of Jesus lying there;
He whose life free from strife,
Filled with love divine,
Brighter than the brightest star eternally shall shine. [Refrain]
3 Let us sing of the King
Who in wondrous love,
Left his own glorious throne
In the Father’s home above;
And that we might be free
From the pow’r of sin,
Gave his life a sacrifice our souls for Heav’n to win. [Refrain]
Source: The Service of Praise #168