1 Ev’ry moment as I travel o’er the pathway t’ward the goal,
Comes a blest and sweet contentment, and a peace within my soul;
For the Master whom I’ve chosen has been faithful kind and true,
Never has there been a danger that He has not led me through.
Ev’ry moment He is dearer,
Ev’ry day I love Him more;
Ev’ry moment He seems nearer
Than He’s ever been before.
2 Ev’ry moment brings its duty, ev’ry day its grief and pain,
No one’s life can be all sunshine, else ‘twould surely be in vain;
But He helps me bear my burdens, and each sorrow He doth share,
That is why my heart rejoices, even in the midst of care. [Refrain]
3 Ev’ry moment of the future, though it’s all unknown to me,
Hidden by and all-wise Father, that its trials I may not see,
I can follow Him in safety, for whatever is in store,
Jesus knows, and so each moment I can trust Him more and more. [Refrain]
Source: Victorious Life Hymns #166