1 Eternity! time soon will end,
Its fleeting moments pass away,
O, sinner, say, where wilt thou spend
Eternity’s unchanging day?
Shalt thou the hopeless horror see
Of hell for all eternity?
Eternity, Eternity,
Where wilt thou spend Eternity?
2 Eternity! but Jesus died—
Yes, Jesus died on Calvary;
Behold Him! thorn-crowned, crucified;
The Spotless One made sin for thee.
Oh, sinner! haste—for refuge flee—
He saves, and for Eternity. [Refrain]
3 Tonight may be thy latest breath;
Thy little moment here be done.
Eternal woe—the second death—
Awaits the grace-neglecting one;
Thine awful destiny foresee—
Time ends, and then—Eternity. [Refrain]
Source: Evangelistic Songs #36