1. Eternal, spotless Lamb of God,
Before the world’s foundations slain,
Sprinkle us ever with Thy blood;
O cleanse, and keep us ever clean!
To every soul (all praise to Thee!)
Our bowels of compassion move;
And all mankind by this may see
God is in us; for God is love.
2. Giver and Lord of life, whose power
And guardian care for all are free,
To Thee, in fierce temptation’s hour,
From sin and Satan let us flee;
Thine, Lord, we are, and ours Thou art,
In us be all Thy goodness showed;
Renew, enlarge, and fill our heart
With peace, and joy and Heaven, and God.
3. Blessing and honor, praise and love
Co-equal, co-eternal Three,
In earth below, and Heaven above,
By all Thy works, be paid to Thee!
Thrice Holy! Thine the kingdom is,
The power omnipotent is Thine;
And when created nature dies,
Thy never-ceasing glories shine.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #1364