1 Eternal King of Heav’n on high,
Hope of Thy saints beneath,
Crowned with triumphant majesty,
The vanquisher of death:
2 Thou dost ascend the starry spheres,
Prompt at the heav’nly call,
Which, all unheard by mortal ears,
Salutes Thee Lord of all:
3 That of the world, where’er they dwell,
The tribes may worship Thee;
And things in Heav’n, in earth, in hell,
May bow the subject knee.
4 Angels behold the change with awe:
How sin with flesh began,
And sin by flesh subdued they saw,
The conqueror God in man!
5 Do Thou from Thy celestial heights
Our prize, our pleasure, prove!
The world Thy subject; Thy delights
All worldly joys above.
6 Thence for our sins the prayer attend,
Thy pardoning grace supply,
And down Thy healthful Spirit send
To lift our hearts on high.
7 That when around Thy judgment seat
The skies their radiance pour,
Thou mayst remit our penal debt,
Our forfeit crowns restore.
8 O Jesus, glory be to Thee,
In Thy celestial rest,
Throned with Paternal Majesty,
And with the Spirit blest!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11939