1 Eternal King, all hail to Thee!
Before Thy throne we bend!
Thy mandates shall be our delight,
Thy reign we will defend.
Our pray’rs to Thee ascend from hearts
Transformed to meet Thy laws;
Our joy, our pride, our boast is of
Thy just and righteous cause.
Lead on, lead on,
We’ll follow Thee to victory!
Eternal King, lead on!
2 Lead on, O King! a legion waits
The beckon of Thy hand;
The strongholds of the enemy
Shall fall at Thy command.
Not through the strategy of man,
Or carnal weapons, may
The gates of sin be battered down,
And evil swept away. [Refrain]
3 The cross, the emblem of Thy love,
Is gleaming in the van!
We follow, a determined host,
The brotherhood of man.
Soon will a glorious dawn of peace
Break to our longing eyes,
And songs of mighty victory
Re-echo thro’ the skies! [Refrain]
Source: New Songs for Service #23