Author: Henry J. Zelley
Henry Jeffreys Zelley was born at Mt. Holly, NJ, on Mar. 15, 1859. Educated in the Mt. Holly public schools, at Pennington Seminary, and at Taylor University, where he earned his M. A., Ph. D., and D. D. degrees, he became a Methodist minister in 1882 and first served in the New Jersey Conference as a statistical secretary, treasurer, and trustee, becoming a promoter of the campmeeting movement.
Noted for his evangelistic fervor, Zelley produced over 1500 poems, hymns, and gospel songs. One of his songs, "He Brought Me Out" with music by Henry L. Gilmour, appears in several denominational hymnals. Cyberhymnal also lists "When Israel Out of Bondage Came" or "He Rolled the Sea Away" with music by Gilmour too. Another of Zelley’s so…
Go to person page >Cho. by: H. L. Gilmour

Henry Lake Gilmour United Kingdom 1836-1920. Born at Londonderry, Ireland, he emigrated to America as a teenager, thinking he wanted to learn navigation. When he reached the U.S., he arrived in Philadelphia and decided to seek his fortune in America. He started working as a painter, then served in the American Civil War, where he was captured and spent several months in Libby Prison, Richmond, VA. He married Letitia Pauline Howard in 1858. After the war he trained as a dentist and did that for many years. In 1869 he moved to Wenonah, NJ, and helped found the Methodist church there in 1885. He served as Sunday school superintendent and, for four decades, directed the choir at the Pittman Grove Camp Meeting, also working as song leade…
Go to person page >Translator: Honorato T. Reza
Born: OcÂtoÂber 27, 1912, Alahuixtlan, GuerÂreÂro, MexÂiÂco.
Died: 2000, Kansas City.
Reza’s edÂuÂcaÂtion beÂgan at age six in the home of a ProÂtestÂant pasÂtor, and conÂtinÂued in a boardÂing school in TelÂoÂloÂaÂpan, and latÂer in MexÂiÂco City. ReÂza beÂcame a ChrisÂtian at age 11 afÂter hearÂing a sermon by Ruth DelÂgaÂdo. He turned away from the faith as a teen, but was reÂconÂciled in 1930. He gradÂuÂatÂed from the BiÂble InÂstiÂtute in MexÂiÂco CiÂty in 1935, and took his first pasÂtorÂate in MaÂtÃÂas RoÂmeÂro, OaÂxaÂca.
Reza enÂrolled at the UnÂiÂverÂsiÂty of PasÂaÂdeÂna, California, in 1937, reÂceived his baÂcheÂlor’s deÂgree in 1939, and reÂturned to MexÂ…
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