1 Encourag'd by thy holy word,
Thy churches thus coven'd, O Lord
By us, their dole gates elect,
Crave thy blest Spirit to direct.
2 O guide us by thy grace, to know,
What best promotes thy cause below;
And may our consultations be,
Fresh means to lead us, Lord to thee.
3 Lord let the glory of thy name,
And Zion's int'rest be our aim;
From ev'ry selfish motive free,
Devoted wholy, Lord to thee.
4 Associated year by year,
From all thy churches may we hear,
Of souls that to thy altars flee,
Dependant wholy Lord on thee.
5 The labours of thy servants bless,
In turning souls to righteousness;
That many converts they may see:
Yet give the glory Lord to thee.
Source: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns: done under the appointment of the Philadelphian Association #CCVII