1 Our guilt do we confess today,
Your law did we reject;
So little truth and mercy here—
Your Word sees no respect.
2 We swear, we lie, we kill and steal,
See harlotry increase;
We break restraint, and blood on blood,
Ignore the law of peace.
3 Our land, it mourns, we waste away,
For wisdom seek we not;
Destruction will our portion be,
If God we have forgot.
4 To crystals, stone, and gold we pray,
Those worthless things we preach;
Those sightless eyes, unhearing ears,
In vain do we beseech.
5 We well deserve the charge You bring,
Upon us lays the blame;
Contentious, proud, we stumble on,
Our glory turns to shame.
6 Show us that only in Your Word
Do truth and mercy live;
Send priests and prophets to instruct,
And Your pure wisdom give.
7 Have mercy, Lord, reject us not,
Draw us to seek Your face;
Direct our feet and deeds to You,
Restore us by Your grace.
8 Lord, melt these icy hearts of stone,
Make us Your counsel seek,
And sacrifice to You alone,
With humble hearts and meek.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #15644