1 Earth’s teeming millions wait today
The story of the cross to hear,
Of him who takes our guilt away,
Salvation thro’ his blood brought near;
“Whom shall we send?” the Master now is calling,
“And who will go, the glorious news to bear?”
An open door of opportunity
Is set before the church today,
A chance to save earth’s dying multitudes,
Let us quickly to the harvest field away,
Let us enter the open door today.
2 “The fields are white to harvest now,”
The Master calleth once again,
“Why all day idle standest thou,
While wasting is the precious grain?”
With sickle sharp go forth unto the reaping,
The Lord’s approval certain thou shalt gain. [Refrain]
3 The Master’s coming draweth near,
His glorious kingdom is at hand,
Soon in the clouds he shall appear,
His name be known in ev’ry land;
If thou wouldst in his triumph then be sharing,
Go forth and labor at thy Lord’s command. [Refrain]
Source: The Finest of the Wheat No. 3 #6