1. Early in the morning, blessed Saviour,
Samuel like I'd be,
Leaving ev'ry sinful pleasure, saying:
"Here am I, send me!"
Here am I, here am I,
Here am I, send me!
Ready for Thy service
Ever would I be,
Here am I, send me, send me!
2. Early in the morning, blessed Saviour,
I would come to Thee,
Bringing all my earthly treasure, saying:
"Here am I, send me!" [Chorus]
3. Early in the morning, blessed Saviour,
I would live for Thee,
So that I may ever be found saying:
"Here am I, send me!" [Chorus]
4. Hasten, ev'ry wand'rer, now to Jesus,
For He calleth thee;
Come and join the heav'nly army, saying:
"Here am I, send me!" [Chorus]
Source: The Gospel Awakening: a collection of original and selected "hymns and spiritual songs" for the use in gospel meetings everywhere #9