1 Draw me nearer, blessed Jesus,
Let me in thy love abide;
‘Neath thy wings securely
Naught of evil can betide.
O, for fuller consecration!
This, dear Lord, my spirit craves;
Fit me, Lord, to bear the message
Of the blessed pow’r that saves.
2 I am weak, but thou art mighty,
With thy grace my wants supply;
‘Tis for thee in all thy fullness
That my longing heart doth cry. [Refrain]
3 In the “secret of his presence”
There is bliss beyond compare;
O, the precious joy of living
With my Savior ever near. [Refrain]
4 Satisfy me with thy goodness,
Till my soul shall thirst no more;
Then in songs of sweet remembrance
I will praise thee and adore. [Refrain]
Source: The Finest of the Wheat No. 3 #77