1 Down from the portals of glory
A King in His majesty came,
Humbled Himself as a servant,
To bear our transgressions and shame;
He was despised and rejected,
Hated by those He would save,
Yet He so loved guilty sinners,
That freely His life-blood He gave.
Look at Him dying,
Bleeding for thee;
Though thou hast slighted Him often,
Still, sinner, He’s pleading for thee.
2 Down in Gethsemane’s garden,
Behold Him in agony there,
Guilt of the world laid upon Him,
To Calvary’s summit to bear;
Yet there is none that can help Him—
Must He thus suffer alone,
Innocent stand for the guilty,
And die for their sins to atone? [Refrain]
3 See Him led forth as a captive,
His presence the multitude scorns;
See them array Him in purple,
And cruelly crown Him with thorns,
Lead Him outside of the city,
Nail Him on Calvary’s tree;
Look on Him there, guilty sinner,
He’s bleeding and dying for thee. [Refrain]
Source: Timeless Truths #716