1 Do you sigh for victory?
And from bondage to be free?
Satan tries thee sorely,
Casts oppression o’er thee;
Boldly lift the shield of faith and he will flee.
Victory! victory!
Shines upon our banner which in triumph is unfurled;
Trust in God securely,
Let his word assure thee;
Faith is the victory that conquers the world.
2 Comes the tempter like a flood?
If you’re washed in Jesus’ blood,
Lift the standard higher,
Vict’ry draweth nigher,
Overcome the devil by your faith in God. [Refrain]
3 Changeless is God’s word today,
Then believe it when you pray;
Since it has been spoken,
Ere it should be broken,
Earth and heaven, Jesus said, would pass away. [Refrain]
4 Just the pow’r of faith alone
Moveth God upon his throne.
Take its shield forever,
Doubting never, never;
With thy heart believing cry, “It shall be done.” [Refrain]
5 Fiery darts at thee are hurled,
Let thy banner ne’er be furled;
Keep it boldly flying,
Satan’s hosts defying;
Faith in God alone will overcome the world. [Refrain]
Source: Truth in Song: for General Gospel Work #217