1 Do you know why I love Jesus,
Why He is so dear to me?
'Tis because He died to save me
On the cross on Calvary.
I love Him so! I love Him so!
I cannot tell how I love Him,
for I love my Saviour so!
He died for me, And now I'm free,
And this is why I love Him so.
2 Do you know why I love Jesus,
Why for Him my life I'd give?
'Tis because when I was death-doomed,
Jesus died that I might live. [Refrain]
3 Do you know why I love Jesus,
More than all the world beside?
'Tis because He's moved my burden,
And my spirit sanctified. [Refrain]
4 Do you know why I love Jesus,
And commend Him unto you?
'Tis because I've fully tried Him,
And I know what He can do. [Refrain]
5 Yes, I love my blessed Jesus,
Whether others do or no,
And thro' all forsake and leave me,
I'm resolved with Him to go. [Refrain]
6 Yes, I want to live with Jesus,
When we've passed this vale of tears;
In the realms of bliss celestial,
Throughout all eternal years. [Refrain]
1 Do you know why I love Jesus so,
Why He is so dear, so dear to me?
'Tis because, 'tis because He died to save me
On the cross on Calvary. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #164