1 Do you hear, O fainting soldier,
that sweet word which rends the skies?
It is "Victory!" It is "Victory!"
From the hearts of faithful comrades
in the field it doth arise,--
It is "Victory! Victory!
We are marching 'gainst the foe,
Striking harder ev'ry blow;
Soon the tempter and his army
from the field will have to go!
Rise, O fainting soldier, rise!
Hear the shout that rends the skies;
It is "Victory! Victory!"
2 Do you see, O fainting soldier,
how the gospel banner waves?
It is "Victory!" It is "Victory!"
It is floating over thousands
who were once but feeble slaves!
It is "Victory! Victory!" [Chorus]
3 Lift your eyes, O fainting soldier,
see His army marching on!
It is "Victory!" It is "Victory!"
Sin is swiftly disappearing,
darkness fading into dawn;
It is "Victory! Victory!" [Chorus]
Coronation Hymns, 1910