1 Do you feel your need of cleansing,
Are you conscious that your sin
Hath defiled your moral nature,
And polluted all within?
There is still a fountain opened
In the side of God's dear Son,
And today the Lord is calling,
"Whosoever will, may come."
Then for cleansing precious cleansing,
To the fountain you may go,
And tho' sinful And polluted,
Be made whiter than the snow.
2 Do you feel you must have cleansing,
Are you sinking in despair?
Trust in Jesus, now, poor sinner,
For the fountain still is there;
Precious blood, the blood of Jesus
Now atones for all your sin,
And this moment He will pardon,
If you'll only "look to Him." [Chorus]
3 Do you long to be made holy,
And to know God's saving grace?
Just believe and trust Him fully,
And His saving love embrace;
He will give you life eternal,
Lift you up and take you in,
And will cleanse and save you fully,
From the last remains of sin. [Chorus]
Source: Crowning Glory No. 2: a collection of gospel hymns #167