Display Title: Do we not know that solemn word First Line: Do we not know that solemn word Author: Isaac Watts Meter: L. M. Scripture: Psalm 51:14-17; Romans 6:3-4 Date: 1835 Subject: Backsliding soul | restored; Blood | of Christ cleansing from sin; Christ | faith in his blood; Christ | Our Hope; Confession | of sin, repentance, and pardon; Conscience | its guilt relieved; Distress | relieved; Faith | in the blood of Christ; Guilt | of conscience relieved; Pardon | of original and actual sin; Priesthood of Christ | ; Repentance | and faith in the blood of Christ; Sacrifice | ; Sin | original and actual, confessed and pardoned; Spirit | his teaching desired; Wickedness | of man
The Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Watts #526