1 Do something for Jesus today!
Remember what He did for you!
Let every Endeav’rer now say,
“Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?”
Do something today,
No longer delay;
O hasten away, no longer delay,
Do something for Jesus today!
2 Do something for Jesus today!
Bring some one to bow at His feet!
For He is the “Life and the Way,”—
All work for the Master is sweet. [Refrain]
3 Do something for Jesus today!
The moments, how swiftly they roll!
Now rescue the lost ones who say,
That “no man doth care for my sou.” [Refrain]
4 Do something for Jesus today!
Go speak to the perishing one
Whom Satan hath led far astray;
Tomorrow he may be undone! [Refrain]
Source: Christian Endeavor Hymns #26