“Do not turn away the children.
Let them come to me instead,
For to them belongs the kingdom.
Make them welcome!” Christ, you said.
As we hear your words of blessing
That you spoke when they drew near,
Can we hear your love addressing
Needs of children we see here?
Do not turn your back on children
Hungry, hunted in Darfur;*
Give them justice, food and welcome,
Make their homes and lives secure.
Don’t neglect the world of children
Who have AIDS and HIV,
For to them belongs the kingdom.
Give them health care that they need.
Do not tell the nation’s children,
“Schools are what we can’t afford!”
Give them all good education;
Teach them well, both rich and poor.
Do not hurry past the children
Longing for your love this day;
For to them belongs the kingdom;
Give them time, don’t turn away.
Do not miss the faith of children
Who have questions deep inside,
For to them belongs the kingdom;
Wonder with them, be their guide.
Jesus, as we hear your blessing
For those ones you welcomed in,
May our deeds reflect your caring
As we welcome them again!
*Alternative wording, “Who know violence, pain and war.”
Source: Songs of Grace: new hymns for God and neighbor #23