Author: Valentin Thilo

Thilo, Valentin, son of Valentin Thiel or Thilo [born Jan. 2, 1579, at Zinten, became diaconus of the Altstadt Church in 1603, and died of the pestilence at Königsberg in 1620], diaconus of the Altstadt Church in Königsberg, was born at Königsberg, April 19, 1607. He matriculated in 1624 at the University of Königsberg as a student of theology, but devoted himself more especially to the study of rhetoric. When the Professor of Rhetoric, Samuel Fuchs, retired in 1632, he recommended Thilo as his successor. The post was, at Thilo's desire, kept open for two years, during which he pursued his studies at the University of Leyden. On returning to Königsberg, he graduated M.A. there on April 20, 1634, and was thereafter installed as Professo…
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