1 Deep in my heart, like a river,
Flows the assurance divine
That Jesus, the Savior of sinners,
Is now and forever mine.
Jesus will never forsake me,
My trials and strength He knows;
Safely He’ll guide me,
Surely will hide me
From ever the last of foes.
2 Though I may often forget Him,
Often be selfish and blind,
He never will leave me to perish,
So patient is He, and kind. [Refrain]
3 Friends I call dearest may fail me,
Yet He is ever the same;
He comes to my rescue whenever
I call on His blessed name. [Refrain]
4 Why should I fear for the morrow,
When He is mindful of me,
Or why should I tremble at sorrow,
With such a defense as He? [Refrain]
Source: Williston Hymns #32