1 Dear soul, far away from the Saviour,
Neglectful and careless in sin;
If the Master should call without warning,
Would a welcome await you from Him?
If the Master should call you tonight,
If the Master should call you tonight,
Is your heart right with God?
Are you washed in the blood?
If the Master should call you tonight?
2 Some time you will come to the Saviour,
Some day at His feet you will fall;
But “today is the day of salvation,”
And the fountain is flowing for all. [Refrain]
3 His pardon, so graciously offered,
His mercy, a rich, boundless store,
He is urging you now to accept them,
And rejoice in His love evermore. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Help: for the Sunday school, evangelistic and church services #153