1 Dear Lord accept my evening song,
Such as my soul can raise;
Receive the off'rings of my tongue,
And help me sing thy praise.
2 Through grace and mercy I was spar'd,
To close another day:
O may I duly be prepar'd!
My tribute now to pay.
3 What can I offer thee my Lord,
To recompense thy love;
Yea, all I have or could afford,
Would not sufficient prove.
4 Thy mercies are beyond degree,
They cannot be express'd;
Thy blessings still bestow'd on me,
Can only make me blest.
5 What numbers of the human race,
This evening weep and mourn;
The evils which with some took place,
Are scarcely to be borne.
6 What accidents of grief and woe,
Were many made to share:
To trace this vale of tears below,
We find such ev'ry where.
7 Why was it not my lot and fate,
Like such to feel the rod!
Who kept me in a better state,
But thou my gracious God!
8 How greatly should this humble me
That such a worm as I,
An object of thy grace should be,
Such mercies to enjoy.
9 I praise thee O my Lord and King,
Thy goodness I adore;
My soul shall of thy mercies sing,,
And thank thee evermore.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CCL