1 Dear Lamb! thy humbled state we sing,
Thy name, thy wounds and blood we praise;
We own thee, infant God, our King,
And to thy throne our hearts we raise.
2 Humbled in poverty and pain,
Temptation sore, contempt and scorn,
The curse of earth for to sustain,
Was the eternal Father born.
3 Empty'd of all, but tort'ring smart,
His honour and his judgment lost:
Deep, unknown sorrows fill'd his heart,
His soul with fierce temptations tost.
4 By this, the everlasting grace,
And boundless love of God appears;
By this we see the Father's face,
Where lost are all our sins and fears.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #CXXXIV