1 Heavenly Father, ere we part,
Now let thy grace descend,
And fill each youthful heart
With peace from Christ our Friend,
May showers of blessings from above
Descend and fill our hearts with love.
2 May we in after-years
With gratitude review
The service of this day,
The work we now pursue,
And speed our way to worlds above,
With hearts all fired with holy love.
3 We know that soon on earth
The fondest ties must end,--
Our own most cherish'd hopes
To death's cold hand must bend,
The fairest flowers in all their bloom,
Must soon be wither'd in the tomb.
4 Then, when our spirits leave
These tenements of clay,
May they to God, who gave,
Ascend, in endless day,
And sing, with parents, teachers, friends,
That anthem sweet, which never ends.
Source: The New Sabbath School Hosanna: enlarged and improved: a choice collection of popular hymns and tunes, original and selected: for the Sunday school and the family circle... #185c
First Line: | Dear Father, ere we part, Now [O] let Thy grace descend |
Author: | H. M. Lischer |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |