1 Dear children, evermore
In God your Lord rejoice;
And render praises meet,
With heart, and soul, and voice.
2 In all things sober be,
For Jesus is at hand;
So live that when He comes
Accepted ye may stand.
3 Cast ye aside all care,
And with glad heart alway,
Make known your every want;
God loves to hear you pray.
4 With every meek request
Let praises glad ascend,
For praise like incense sweet
Should with petition blend.
5 A glad and thankful heart
Wins blessings from the skies,
And is a sacrifice
Most precious in God's eyes.
6 Then in the Lord alway,
O children dear, rejoice;
And glorify His Name,
With heart, and soul, and voice.
Source: Voices of Praise: for school and church and home #38