1 Dear children all, whose beaming eyes
Reflect the light from ‘bove the skies,
Why come ye here this Sabbath day?
To learn the truth, to praise and pray?
Kind teachers, yes, to pray and praise
We come here in our youthful days,
And hope, when older we have grown,
To gather much where ye have sown;
We want to learn the way of right
And walk in wisdom’s path of light,
And guided by our Savior’s hand,
To journey tow’rd the better land.
Oh, none of us too aged are,
And none too young to understand
That God’s dear Son, our Guiding Star,
Will lead us to that better land;
But would we gain that port of light
That lieth on the farther side,
We must be strong to do the right,
And trust in Him whatever betide.
2 Dear children when the early dawn
Streams over woodland, mead and lawn,
Do you kneel down, and thank high heav’n
For all its love so freely given?
When bird-songs greet the morning hour
And angels wake the sleeping flower,
We raise our hearts to God above
And thank Him for His boundless love;
And, when the ev’ning shadows creep
And angels sing the flow’rs to sleep,
We ask Him if these angels bright
May guard us through the coming night. [Chorus]
3 Remember that the Lord of truth
Has promised you immortal youth
If, never flat’ring—though ye die—
Ye strive to reach that home on high.
We will, God helping, faithful be
And shun the rocks in life’s great sea;
(Our Bible tells us where they are,
And we can see by wisdom’s star;)
And then, when older we have brown,
We hope to reap where ye have sown,
And meet at last on yonder shore
Where sin and sorrow reign no more. [Chorus]
Source: Good Will: A collection of New Music for Sabbath Schools and Gospel Meetings (Enlarged) #100