1 Days and weeks and months returning,
Hear us gently down life's way:
Still their lesson we are learning
With each anniversary day.
We hail this day, so full of joy,
And greet it with a song;
We hail this day, so full of joy,
And greet it with a song.
2 Glad our hearts, and glad our voices,
Joy controls the hasting hour;
None so sad but he rejoices
'Neath to-day's controlling power. [Chorus]
3 Glad for classmates, and for teachers,
Guiding us with gentle rule,
Glad for all the gifts that reach us
Thro' our own loved Sabbath-school. [Chorus]
4 Yet, though glad, we'll still remember
What the moments always say:
Life must have its cold December,
Just as surely as its May. [Chorus]
Source: The New Sabbath School Hosanna: enlarged and improved: a choice collection of popular hymns and tunes, original and selected: for the Sunday school and the family circle... #148a
First Line: | Days and weeks, and months, returning |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |