Display Title: Day of Arising First Line: Day of arising Tune Title: BUNESSAN Author: Susan Palo Cherwien Meter: 55.54 D Scripture: Luke 24:13-35; 2 Corinthians 4:15 Date: 2011 Subject: Blindness | ; Bread | ; Christian Year and Observances | Easter/Easter Vigil; Church | ; Compassion | ; Creator | ; Days | ; Doubts | ; Emmaus | ; Fears | ; Hearts | ; Holy Presence | ; Hope | ; Hospitality | ; Invitation | ; Jesus Christ | Cross; Jesus Christ | Resurrection and Exaltation; Journey | ; Names (Other) and Images for Jesus Christ | ; Openness | ; Rise Up | ; Sadness | ; Service Music | Alleluias; Signs and Symbols | ; Slowness | ; Strangers | ; Visions | ; Walking | ; Wine |
Worship and Song #3086