1 Dauntless thy pow'r I'll sing in noblest lays;
'Fore earth's proud tyrants thee, my God, I'll praise.
2 To thy blest temple I my eyes will turn,
That hallow'd dome thy presence does adorn;
Thy truth, thy mercy, and thy love proclaim,
And celebrate in tuneful hymns thy name.
3 To thee I plain'd, and thou didst hear my cry;
Didst to my trembling soul due strength supply.
4 Earth's sceptred kings when they thy word shall hear,
With humble rev'rence shall thy praise declare;
5 Thy law shall own, thy mighty name adore,
And sing the awful glories of thy pow'r.
6 Tho' seated high on his etherial throne,
Yet on the lowly looks Jehovah down;
And, while the proud disdainful heart he scorns,
The poor he loves, and, gracious, to him turns,
7 Me tho' a thousand dangers shou'd surround,
Tho' arm ten thousand foes, my soul to wound;
From him I swift deliv'rance shou'd receive,
And, free from peril, in his mercy live.
8 His great beneficence he 'as ever shewn,
He, that will perfect what he 'as once begun;
His humble servant, faithful, he protects,
And ne'er the work of his own hand rejects.
Source: New Version of the Psalms of David #CXXXVIII