1 Dark the days and long the journey
Seems to realms of endless light,
Yet to those who faithful make it,
There's a guiding star so bright.
By and by, By and by,
O our journey will be over,
By and by! We've a foretaste even now,
but we'll soon the fulness know;
Yes, our journey will be over by and by.
2 Tho' the storm rise on the ocean,
Tossing oft the billows high,
Yet our ships will make the harbor
Safely, surely, by and by. [Refrain]
3 Mariners, storm-toss'd and weary,
Never let our courage fail;
Soon the ship will make the haven,
Anchored safe from sea and gale. [Refrain]
4 Lo! the Saviour is Commander,
He will take us safely o'er:
Heed His mandate, weary brother;
By and by we'll reach the shore. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #273