Organ Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $33.00 These fifteen organ settings, many based on familiar hymns, will provide a fitting musical background for any and all celebratory occasions. Especially appropriate for the opening of the church year a… | |
Handbells Moderately Easy Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $69.95 Level 2 • Hymns, with their reassuring and uplifting tunes, are the lifeblood of worship, universally uniting Christians in prayer, praise, and service. In this collection, eighteen of these popular… | |
Handbells Handchimes Moderately Easy File download from Lorenz Publishing $69.95 Level 2 • From the embracing strains of "Children of the Heavenly Father" to the energetic praise conveyed in "How Firm a Foundation," these highly useable and solidly scored selections feature a va… | |
Handbells Handchimes Easy Shipped by Lorenz Publishing $69.95 The need for easily learned 2-3 octave settings of familiar hymn tunes remains strong, as seen in the positive reception of "Ring for Joy!" (20/1585L). This second collection of fifteen hymn tunes arr… | |
Handbells Moderately Easy Lent File download from Lorenz Publishing $69.95 Level 2+ • With five of the hymn-based works found in this volume chosen specifically to highlight the major seasons of the church year and an additional general-use setting, this collection offers… | |
Organ Moderately Difficult Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $12.50 Includes: EARTH AND ALL STARS Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word ERHALT UNS, ERR The Heavens Declare Your Glory FAITHFUL You Are Our God… | |
Organ Medium Difficulty Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $37.00 Charles Callahan�s years of leading worship from the console are reflected in this second expansive collection of useful pieces for the church organist. A follow-up to his highly successful first vo… | |
Organ Medium Difficulty Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $10.00 This collection of introductions may be used as longer festive introductions to six of the most sung hymn tunes in Protestant churches. They may also be used as short preludes or postludes. Includes… | |
Organ Medium Difficulty Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $21.50 Seventh publication in a series for parish and student organists that covers the seasons and festivals of the church year as well as general and sacramental hymns. Valuable complement for beginning h… | |
Organ Trumpet Moderately Easy Christmas Shipped by MorningStar Music Publishers $20.00 A continuation of this popular series. The tunes in this collection are standard to all denominational hymnals. The trumpet introductions and descants lie well within a comfortable range for the trump… |