Daily, daily sing to Mary


Daily, daily sing to Mary

Author: Bernard, of Cluny; Translator: Henry Bittleston
Published in 53 hymnals

Representative Text

1 Daily, daily sing to Mary;
Sing, my soul, her praises due.
All her glorious actions cherish,
With the heart's devotion true.
Lost in wond'ring contemplation,
Be her majesty confessed!
Call her Mother, call her Virgin,
Happy Mother, Virgin blest!

2 She is mighty to deliver;
Call her, trust her lovingly.
When the tempest rages round you,
She will calm the troubled sea.
Gifts of heaven she has given,
Noble Lady, to our race;
She, the Queen, who clothes her subjects
With the light of God's own grace.

3 Sing, my tongue, the Virgin's honors,
Who for us her Maker bore,
For the curse of old inflicted,
Peace and blessings to restore.
Sing in songs of praise unending,
Sing the world's majestic Queen;
Weary not nor faint in telling
All the gifts that earth has seen.

4 All my senses, heart, affections,
Strive to sound her glory forth.
Spread abroad the sweet memorials
Of the Virgin's priceless worth.
Where the voice of music thrilling,
Where the tongues of eloquence,
That can utter hymns befitting
All her matchless excellence?

5 All our joys do flow from Mary;
All then join her praise to sing.
Trembling, sing the Virgin Mother,
Mother of our Lord and King.
While we sing her awesome glory,
Far above our fancy's reach,
Let our hearts be quick to offer
Love the heart alone can reach.

Source: One in Faith #912

Author: Bernard, of Cluny

Bernard of Morlaix, or of Cluny, for he is equally well known by both titles, was an Englishman by extraction, both his parents being natives of this country. He was b., however, in France very early in the 12th cent, at Morlaix, Bretagne. Little or nothing is known of his life, beyond the fact that he entered the Abbey of Cluny, of which at that time Peter the Venerable, who filled the post from 1122 to 1156, was the head. There, so far as we know, he spent his whole after-life, and there he probably died, though the exact date of his death, as well as of his birth is unrecorded. The Abbey of Cluny was at that period at the zenith of its wealth and fame. Its buildings, especially its church (which was unequalled by any in France); the serv… Go to person page >

Translator: Henry Bittleston

Bittleston, Henry, M.A., was b. in London Sept. 25, 1818, and educated at St. John's College, Oxford (B.A. 1841, M.A. 1845). He was curate of Leamington Priors, Warwicks, and finally of Margaret Chapel, Marylebone, London. After being received into the Church of Rome he became a member, March 1850, of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri at Birmingham; and d. at St. Albans, July 2, 1886. His well-known translation, "Daily, daily, sing to Mary" (p. 1202, i.), is in the Birmingham Oratory Hymn Book, 1854, No. 39. with Caswall's translation as No. 40, there beginning “Holy Mary, we implore thee" (p. 1202, ii.). --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)  Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Daily, daily sing to Mary
Latin Title: Omni die dic Mariae
Translator: Henry Bittleston
Author: Bernard, of Cluny
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain


DAILY, DAILY (55113)

OMNI DIE (Trier)

Sometimes known as OMNI DIE, SUNRISE was first published in the 1768 Supplementum to the Luxembourg Kyriale. After its inclusion in Gesang und Gebetbuch (Trier, 1847), the tune gained popularity. SUNRISE attained its name because of its publication with William Bright's morning hymn "At thy feet, O…

Go to tune page >

[Daily, daily sing to Mary]



Instances (1 - 2 of 2)

Journeysongs (2nd ed.) #492


One in Faith #912

Include 51 pre-1979 instances
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