1 Could I of all perfection boast,
As pure as that which Adam lost,
I'd sacrifice it to thy blood,
My Christ, my all, my only good.
2 Were I as Abram, strong in faith,
And boldly stedfast unto death;
I'd bid my faithfulness adieu,
And Jesus only faithful view.
3 If I more meek than Moses were,
Quite free from anger, strife, or fear;
Yet this I gladly would despise,
And Jesus's meekness only prize.
4 Was I as Job submissive still,
Patient, resign'd in ev'ry ill;
Yet all should fade before his cross,
Compar'd with him, it is but dross.
5 If I was wise as Solomon,
Like him with zeal and ardour shone;
Like him I'd vain and foolish see
My wisdom, zeal, yea all but Thee.
6 Had I an Angel's purity;
Yea even this I would deny;
Nor good confess in name or thing,
But Christ my Lord, my life, my King.
Source: Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs: selected and original, designed for the use of the Church Universal in public and private devotion #LXVII