1 Consider the lilies, how they bloom,
They toil not, neither do they spin,
Toil not nor struggle all the day
The victory of faith to win.
They toil not, they toil not,
They toil not, neither do they spin;
Then trust Him and toil not,
The victory of faith to win.
2 Consider the sparrows, how they live;
Are ye not better far than these?
And He who marks the sparrow’s fall,
Your slightest want and sorrow sees.
Then fear not, then fear not,
For ye are better far than these;
Then fear not, then fear not,
For all your need your Father sees.
3 Consider the Savior’s dying love,
He gave Himself in love so true;
Then labor not your debt to pay,
For Jesus paid it all for you.
He loves you, He loves you,
He gave Himself in love so true;
He loves you, He loves you,
Yes, Jesus paid it all for you.
Source: Songs of Grace and Glory: A New and Inspiring Selection of Sacred Songs for Evangelical Use and General Worship #173