1 "Come, ye weary, heavy laden,
Faint and wounded in the strife;
I will bear anew your burdens,
I will give you light and life."
Still from heaven the Saviour pleadeth,
As of old in Galilee;
"O ye weary, heavy-laden,
Weak and wounded, come to me.
2 "Are you vanquished in the conflict
With the myriad host of sin?
I have borne the heat of battle,
That the vict'ry ye might win." [Chorus]
3 "Does the way seem long and dreary,
Leading to the mansions blest?
Soon, beside the living waters,
Ye shall find the promised rest." [Chorus]
4 "Learn of me, for I am lowly;
Follow in the path I trod;
For it leads to joy immortal,
In the city of our God." [Chorus]
Source: The Brethren Hymnody: with tunes for the sanctuary, Sunday-school, prayer meeting and home circle #242