1 Come, ye weary, heavy laden,
Burden'd with your sins and fears;
There is One who will receive you,
When He sees repentant tears.
Come, ye weary, heavy laden,
Jesus waits to give you rest;
Come, and He will give you welcome,
To the mansions of the blest.
2 Cast on Him your heavy burden,
He has promised to sustain;
None have ever asked His guidance
Who have ever asked in vain. [Chorus]
3 He was tempted like as we are,
And He knows our feeble frame;
Faithfully He keeps His promise
He is evermore the same. [Chorus]
4 He will help you sin to conquer,
Give you vict'ry in the fight;
He is willing to translate you,
Out of darkness into light. [Chorus]
Source: Crowning Glory No. 2: a collection of gospel hymns #143