1 Come, ye redeem'd by Jesus' blood,
Your grateful songs employ;
He brought your wand'ring souls to God,
And turn'd your grief to joy.
2 Think, ransom'd sinner, what a price
Was paid to set you free!
Th' Eternal Son was nail'd and dy'd
Upon the bloody tree.
3 Our yielding hearts cannot be cold,
While viewing such a scene!
E'en nature trembled to behold
The suff'rings of her King!
4 The massy rocks in sunder clave,
When Jesus clos'd his eyes;
The sleeping saints leap'd from their graves,
And darkness spread the skies.
5 Mysterious grace! all-conquering love!
Too deep for angels' ken:
That he whom seraphs praise above,
Should die for guilty men.
6 Then join, ye ransom'd in the song,
And, while ye taste his love,
Let every saint the them prolong,
Till call'd to praise above.
Source: Society hymns, original and selected on evangelical and experimental subjects #XII