1 Come, ye, lift your joyous voices,
Raise your Easter anthem high;
Now once more the Church rejoices—
Triumphs in Christ’s victory.
He is slain, the Victim holy,
He is risen, mighty Priest;
So before Him, bending lowly,
Let us keep His glorious feast.
2 Christ is risen! Now no longer
Hades holds the Lord of life;
Death is strong, but Christ is stronger,
He hath conquered in the strife.
Once for us He crossed the river,
Now for aye He lives and reigns,
Of eternal life the Giver
Sees the fruits of all His pains.
3 That new life with us springing
Die we daily unto sin;
Every idol boldly flinging
From the throne of Christ within.
Christ is risen! He in dying,
Rent apart the temple veil;
By His rising proof supplying
That His power can never fail.
4 Though in Adam every mortal
Dies at the appointed hour,
Yet is Hades’ gloomy portal
Conquered by the Savior’s power.
Glory, glory, never ceasing,
Unto Father, Spirit, Son!
Praise and blessing, still increasing,
To our God, the Three in One.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #16172