1 Come while rosy hours are round thee,
Ere one charm of youth is flown;
Ere the joys of earth have bound thee,
Or temptation's wiles are known.
While the heart with richest feeling,
In the youthful breast beats high;
Come and at life's fountain kneeling,
Taste the wave and never die.
2 Days may come when dim and dreary,
Life may be a path of pain;
When benighted worn and weary,
Thou mayst seek for joy in vain.
When the dreams of bliss that win thee,
With their smiles will all be o'er;
And the mortal hopes within thee,
Give thee light and peace no more.
3 Then before one ray is shaded,
Which now cheers thy joyous way;
Ere thy youthful bloom be faded,
Or one early hope decay.
Ere the storms of grief assail thee,
Bursting wildly o'er thy head;
Seek the hope that cannot fail thee,
When all other hopes are fled.
Source: Juvenile Choir: for the use of Sabbath Schools, Bible Classes and the social circle #24