1 Come, trembling sinner, from thy seat,
And bow before the Lord;
Fall as a mourner at his feet,
And hang upon his word.
Come to Jesus, come to Jesus,
Come to Jesus now;
Only trust him, he will save you,
He will save just now.
2 Come while you may to Christ and live,
For life will soon be done;
Oh, come and to the Savior give
That guilty heart of stone! [Chorus]
3 Come if thou canst, or canst not feel,
Come trusting in his grace;
He will the work of pardon seal
On all who seek his face. [Chorus]
4 Come while the voice of Jesus calls,
In accents full and clear,
And mercy's sweetest language falls
Inviting on the ear. [Chorus]
5 The Saviour stands thy cause to plead
Before the throne above;
Come in thy hour of greatest need,
And feel his pard'ning love. [Chorus]
Source: Joy to the World: or, sacred songs for gospel meetings #208