1 Come to the Sunday school,
Come in your early youth;
Come, learn the golden rule,
And seek the paths of truth:
Come, come, and now be wise,
Before the evil day;
Temptations may arise,
And lead you far away.
2 Come, list to wisdom's voice,
Her heavenly counsel hear;
She bids you now rejoice
In accents sweet and clear.
Come, walk in wisdom's ways,
Her paths are paths of peace.
Come, in your early days,
From sin and folly cease.
3 Come, seek the Savior's face,
Obey your gracious Lord;
He will bestow his grace
On all who love his word.
O! may we all be wise--
Buy truth, and sell it not;
And, reign beyond the skies--
O blessed, happy thought!
Source: The Little Minstrel: a collection of songs and music, with lessons of instruction, mathematically arranged plan of notation #94